another Confirmed NO!


This thread just keeps getting better. I’ll be sticking around with this thread until we hear from every single girl on the list that they didn’t touch his chlamydia-riddled 1/2" cock

its ok guyz its his step sister yo :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

OMFG!!! I seriously can’t sotp laughing over here. it’s ACTUALLY his sister ahahahaahahahahahaha :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

Step sister= fair game:retardclap

wait… are you serious?



Don’t tell me you never wanted to bang your own step sister… :shifty

maybe in alabama:ahh

I dont have a stepsister so its hard to say:lol

I felt like the pwnage was SO EPIC, it was a pwnage equal to 100 failvis threads by now LOL

I think this is all hilarious dont get me wrong, but i told the dude to go and say sorry and i would back himup…

doesnt mean i still dont think this is funny as fuck, it is… but at least he said sorry or whatever

anyways idk i feel bad for the kid even tho he put it all on himself, i still feel bad cuz this pwnage was fucking MONSTER

As an administrator of shift518 I have to be open minded and respectful to all users…


appropriate repost


idk this shit was such an epic pwnage

i dont even know what to do with all this right now… i feel like hes gona commit suicide or something at this point im just trying to be nice yano

hahahahahah ZOMG this gets more and more hilarious

:rofl +rep bro!!

Many LoLz have been had.

Checking in from Honda-Tech.com

Epic thread is epic. Thank you for making my day.


Awaiting response from step-sister…

OMii iTS BECCAx3 (9:02:29 PM): yah you’ll be hearing from my lawyer

some btich that wasnt even on the list is tryina sue me thanks alot you guys really need to grow the fuck up i said get the fuck over it its done someone please lock this fucking thread, im in school trying to make something of myself and if i end up in a lawsuit over a bunch of retards on a forum and my future is effected how the fuck is that gunna feel?