Adam trade me your bike for this box full of tacks, an LG Dare soft case, and some chicken bones?

dude dont sit here and fucking go off on us for making you look like a MORON. You set yourself up for this shit. If you didnt want to have any of this shit thrown in your face, then dont make shit up. LIEING doesnt get anywhere. You did this to yourself. We didnt do a damn thing other then Prove you were lieing.

Maybe if the Lawyer does call you, you will grow the fuck up and stop making shit up.

Don’t blame other people for YOU making a mistake. YOU’RE the one who posted this shit on a public forum, YOU’RE the one who got called out for being full of shit. Don’t blame others for your mistake. Maybe you’ll learn something from all of this…

i think it goes without saying that this thread is far beyond epic many times over :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

this was awsome …i truly wish i could of been here all day to get it goin more

And quit being such a pussy, you actually think some 12 year old girl is going to call mommy and daddys lawyer over you being a fucking moron? Youre clearly even more retarded than perviously thought, tell that cunt to go kick rocks you bitch.

:rofl serves ya right asscheese ,if its true .i hope it is in all actuality but its prolly another one of your bullshit posts ,is the lawyer your daddy ?cause your sister is suing you for fuckin her .dont she know your a broke piece of shit that sells his shit so he can eat all week cause the govt took your food stamps away

5 fuckin pages of guest,s are on right now lookin at this thread .vlad did ya think shift would make it across the country ? we famous bitch


+1… this could potentially boost shift into being a dominant power among other car forums

All I can say about that is:

we could prolly take over all of 4chan with a few more epic threads like this


hes failvis jr

got to be

fuck it, i tried !!!

we goin international next bitches



Some good reading right here

Mystic here from DJForums.com. Yep, a DJing site.

I actually read through this whole thing. It was correctly given the title of epic thread. I’m sure as it spreads around, it will be remembered for years to come. lol

what in the fuck?!?!

great to have you on board :rofl :rofl :rofl

WTF is the big draw with this shit anyway?
Not something worth my time joining another forum to comment on.

Silence PJB, or youre next!! :lol