:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

You won’t be meeting some of us. You will be meeting ALL of us. There is no way any of us would pass up the opportunity to see if you speak as well as you type…

Times like this I love being a girl.

Careful. He probably “scored” with you too and is talking about it now on honda-tech or some shit.

ull just get added to the “list”

same time same fucking idea :Idiots

ROFL this coming from the kid who used to look like this:

would you like a repeat occurrence?

This thread is so great my stash of funny forum pics is running low. :smiley:

Oh shit I forgot, you didn’t get into a fight, thats what happened when your dad caught you fuckin your sister. LOL!



You guys are right, I better not flaunt having girl parts around this kid. :ohnoes

“You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.”


i cant stick up for you anymore :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

You shouldn’t have stuck up for him in the first place.

he seemed to be turning around, guess not :lmao

YES! HES BACK! This dudes a fuckin glutton for punishment

Hey Josh why don’t you go piss your pants again.

“That was like 8 years ago asshole”

People don’t forget!