
According to one of the “conquests”, the girl that is suing him is not responsible for the suing. It is the father, who happened to have read this thread and saw the “list”. Apparently he’s “pretty upset”.

ohhhhhhhhh wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww

upon further review, the bitch that Murrdog contacted, the one who’s screenname was posted…wasn’t even on the list? She said her name was Rebecca, I don’t see a Rebecca.

Well I didnt take the whole sueing thing serious before, but now… this kid is fucked

What could he be sued for?

YESSS… although instead of pressing charges i just wish one of the girls brothers just beat the shit outa him. or he can meet up with any of us tiny shift members if he needs a lil cup of act rite…

yeah i heard she was playing hard to get with people like tom cruise, mathew mcconaghy and others, but it was bound to happen, racewarshatch wooed her in about 20 minutes. had to have been the frohawk.

I didn’t think the plot could get any thicker, this shit is thicker than that chick posted above with the giant moose knuckle.

Yetti, you’d get dropped in .5 seconds.

He and Chuck should compare fohawks and see who pulls more girls with theirs

bahahahah i dont wanna be the asshole to post the pic :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Yeah I heard Chuck went with the Johnny Cool look for college.

told ya once before ill meet up with ya .name the time and place :retardclap im sure whatever happens it will be a accident “at least thats my story”

Chuck or Josh

^ Chuck

^ tough guy

and there it is !! :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

wtf is this an abercrombie commercial?

hell yeah, cool kids only.

Tough choice… I dunno… Chuck’s got the awkward arm grasp down, but Josh has the big blue bowl thing going for him…

Josh has the Myspace “skyview” angle shot down…tough choice between that and the awkward arm around the shoulder by Chuck.


Deformation of character for starters.

There has been a number of recent law suits over slander/personal attacks and character deformation in the news.

There are plenty of preset bases and precedents.

Sorry no spell check on the phone