We got those on the West Coast too.


is that a ghost buster knight?

so has this kid killed himself yet

I think its just some douche bag kid with a sword and vacuum cleaner taped to his back but I could be wrong.

how the hell did you get a pic of me and my girlfriend Sasha on my back :eek3

btw we were roleplaying :shifty

people like this give fat people like me a bad rep :shifty

back on topic…

if they bring it upon themselves, its fair game.its not our fault hes a retard.:retardclap

I partially agree with 1 side but more so agree with the other… If he really does have a legitimate mental issue then I feel bad for him. However if he doesnt, then he’s just a fucked up little bitch that deserves to have his ass handed to him. Therefore I propose this idea…
Race— do you legitimatly have a mental issue or are you just trying to get out of the bashing. Keep in mind that there are ways of us finding out the truth as you have seen and if you lie and we do find out, just imagine what the bashing will be then. There are a lot of truly mentally disabled people in the world and by claiming false mental issues, you are basically spitting in all of their faces. We will call you out on it, and this thread will go from EPIC to LEGENDARY. If you thought we were bad before… just lie again and see what happens.
That is all. Bash me if you want.

But if he’s has compulsive lying disorder, wouldn’t he answer with a lie? :shifty

Wow this thread literally goes all night :lol

This lying disorder is such bullshit. So is ADD and all those other BS excuses to hide the fact that the kids parents failed. “Oh he has ADD, take these pills.” <- Motherfucking FACEPALM :facepalm

Hooked on 240 has a lying disorder, we never let up on him…

I’m sorry Singh, Ima let you finish, but OJ had one of the best excuses ever!

You’ve been to other counties unlike most members so I expected better out of you.

You cannot come up with a disorder as an excuse for everything out there. Americans are insane with this theory. Kid slacks of in school and checks out thr ass of the chick in front of him instead of doing a test? Oh that’s fine he has ADD. All of these ‘conditions’ are made up for American parents cant accept the fact that their kid stupid/slow/gambler/whore etc. They scapegoat it to ‘condition’ instead of the person. They separate a bad quality of an individual from himself and give it a name as to make it it’s own entity. So now it’s not the individuals fault but the entities’ fault so you can’t blame or make fun of the individual.

Next thing you know being ugly is a condition as well so we can’t make fun of them.

It is what it is, in other countries guess what, if you got this ‘compulsive lying’ syndrome you talk and lie too much you get beat. Didn’t learn thr first time? You get beat again. ‘Disorder’ fixed. Real simple.

What good is it going to do for us to take it easy? It’s the Internet. The kid has a real ‘life’, deals with real people and he will piss them off just as much there. If anything he may learn something here from the experience that could save him in RL.

There are bad people on this planet, there are stupid people on this planet, therebare people who show no respect to anything or anybody. If you can’t adjust to the world, you can’t expect the world to adjust to you. Should we feel bad for gamblers? Should we feel bad for people who are just pricks cause they have a ‘can’t stop being a dick’ disorder?

What if Travis (failvis) said he had some kind of disorder?

Please stop with telling the members to take it easy in this situation. If it was uncalled for that’s one thing, but in this situation it is what it is.

:rofl:rofl:rofl I was waitin for it

He does. Hes broke with bad credit

:rofl hahahah me too

I’ve skimmed over the last 10 pages of this… Anyone who feels any bit sympathy for this kid needs to stop posting in here. Remember, this kid signed up on the forum and started running his mouth. He’s the one who came up with all these crazy stories. He’s the one that came back with that weak apology and then was quick to lash back by saying “fuck you” and threatened violence.

At the end of the day, this is a web forum. If this kid gets so irate over reading what people have to say all he has to do is stop viewing the material. He digs his own grave each time he hits the log in button and starts stabbin away at his keyboard again. I say as long as he keeps logging in and coming back for more, let everyone keep punishing him with insults and throwing the facts in his face. I hope it has driven him absolutely nuts and left a swift kick to his dignity. You play with fire, you’re going to get burned.


Just stating facts…

You cant be metally disabled and be a liar. Your brain has to actually function in order to come up with lies, shitty crappy lies or not. Brain function/ Imagination on chronic lies is actually twice as high as that when people tell the truth because lies work the mind more than just recalling events


seriously with this bullshit??!?! He’s not going to be the first kid to kill himself on the internet and he won’t be the last. That’s why the internet is great. it’s self regulating and weeds out the losers/weak.

Stop being part of what’s wrong with America. Anyone who has a problem with this thread needs to go watch that vid of the kid on the muscle forums kill himself. Or, if you STILL want to be pussy, go watch The Notebook or something.

Christ, had to read 15 pages to catch up. Some of you MFers need to learn some BASIC TYPING SKILLS.