Racing Fail

Laughed so hard when i watched this…just something random

Embed that shit noob…

Oh and i think this is better

ohhh shit oh shit ooooohh shit OHHH SHIT OHHHH SHITTT…omg omg OOHHH MY GODDD

too wicked

haha i watched that one and was like wtf, just funny watchin 2 sedans race, then screw up like that

lol like the first vid, random cow crossing the street before the race.

srsly… thats the first thing i saw.

^^^ i watched that one, that one is actually pretty serious…lol

Ya its crazy… T-bone 2 cars in 1 go

^ass… way to ruin the comic mood (cept for you freaks who enjoy that kinda shit) lol

somebody post videos of ricers doing stupid shit to their cars and not injuring innocent bystanders

this shit gave me a headache

^ just terrible.

that prelude dude needs some stiffer suspension, car is all over the place

prelude video : click, crunch, tick tick , crunch, click. crunch. tisk tick crunch. Anybody else hear that bumper the whole time?

And i wouldn’t really call the crash video ricers. yes the honda was running on rice but the mitsubishi gt is deff not a ricer car. But they are both tards lol.

I’m not even gonna comment on the corolla video…

probably just cut his springs