racist joke

sorry but the joke sucked…you’re interpretation of a “racist joke” was weak lol

i agree :ninja

i’m not on his name dumbasses, he’s posting from his grandpa’s labtop he’s only allowed to use when he’s tuning his car.

when im on this stupid site it means im home on my desktop looking at porn at the same time idiot not the laptop i dont go online with the laptop queer :retardclap:crazy

you can jerk off and do this to ha :thumbup

where’s the funny?

This is by far the worst joke I have EVER read in my life. I award you 0 funny points, and may god have mercy on your pathetic soul.

this joke didn’t make sense, it wasn’t racist, and it wasn’t funny.

here’s a GOOD joke:

how do you get hellen keller to keep a secret?

you break her fingers

pete… this is probably the 90th time I’ve said this, but what the FUCK is a labtop?

can i ban pete and this guy? oh yeah and neg rep occured in this thread

checking the log has confirmed your def jerking off while posting from said labtop

more neg rep just for that