RAGE Report: Exxon Mobil "Biggest profit in U.S. history"

Yea, a lot of it probabley has to do what the price they paid for THAT delivery of gas as well, right? And if the next delivery is cheaper, gas prices will go lower, and so forth? I’m sure they won’t take a cut on what they paid for their existing delivery

Yep. They arent going to nickel and dime every truck load either. They err on the side of caution so as to maintain that profit margin requirement. They dont exist to do the socialist Obama lovers a favor (;D) and give everyone free gas, they’re in business to make money.

completely agree with your jesse. exxon has repsonsibility to their stockholders to make the company money. and to accept a less than 10% profit margin is just unreasonable. everyone needs to face the fact that if you sell 100+ billion dollars a quarter you damn well better be making 10+ billion dollars a quarter. this is the free market. there is no one to blame.

You two, get outta here with your logical thinking. We wanna be angry here :angry2

On my way to buy some Mobil/Exxon gas right now :umm

You did see that they’re still paying off things like punitive damages to Valdez form 1989, and all of the stuff they lost from the hurricanes, right? They company owes money or took a hit in income so they can’t lower the price of gas and make those losses even bigger to the company.

On a side note, the average GMU on a part from the store I work at is around 55%. Meaning 55% of the price of the product is profit to the company.

Wal-Mart profits less than 10% ;p

Much less, but Walmart is a volume seller with strict price control. They’re prices are set in contracts for months or years in advance of when the products hit the shelves. All they have to do is make sure people walk in the door.

Same exact thing as Exxon. Walmart CANT lower their prices any more. And they are STILL the highest grossing company in the country (world?).

Yep. My store shrunk out at a .56 last year and thats considered successful. A .56 = 246,xxx dollars. That’s a division 1 store, with less than 90,000 square feet. Volume def. plays a huge impact in everything. And how often do you hear people bitching about wal-mart prices and being too high? Can’t get much lower in all honesty, but everyone complains about how much they profit.

Wal-Marts profit margin was only 3.5%… I know the New Hartford store does 120mil in sales a year and only profits around 5mil.