ExxonMobile post highest quarterly profit...EVER

Exxon Mobil reported second-quarter earnings of $11.68 billion


sweet, maybe they pay the truckers good.

they also pay 49% in taxes

11.68 billion how many gallons were pumped last quater. i guess 1000’s of billions of gallons. devide that out and yay they can save us a dime on a gallon of gas and then they make 0 dollars for doing some of the hardest most needed work in the world.

so now im paying 3.85 instead of 3.95

Highest profits ever dont mean that they are barely making money…they could be charging less to maintain consistent profits instead of breaking profit records every quarter…but (as we all would) they’ll take what they can get…

that’s also not strictly from US sales either.

profit, is the amount they receive after all costs of the product are taken care of.

they can afford to lower gas prices and still make a large profit

you sir, are a fucking retard.

capitalism works!

to a point…

OK here is my Point…

What Are Going to do About it…Nothing

On a side note GM posted loss of $15.5 billion in Q2. Crazy!

And the USD lost roughly 40% of it’s value in the past 8 years. There is a reason every number that follows a $ keeps growing. The stuff will be worthless in a few more years.


EXXON sell’s more then gas too, you must remember that also, they sell tons of things, but im sure gas is the most profitatable for them…

As a company, why would they not want to make money?

Good for them, they have a product everyone uses and keeps using, and they make a ton of money doing it. That’s the way companies are supposed to work. If you think you are paying too much for gas, STFU.

They said on the news that translates to $1500 a second.

coming from a guy who doens’t pay for gas…stfu

How about I just drill a hole in your 3rd rib and fuck your chest while I shit in your eyesocket instead…

sounds like a party

wow! fucking insane