Ragtop86 under the knife.

Everyone may know by now, but Ragtop86 is going under the knife on Friday 8/11, at Mercy Hospital, he is getting a back fusion done, so NO RACING for atleast 4 months.

So would you all wish him well and please keep us (Ragtop,Mrs.Ragtop and our 3 beauiful children) in your prayers. :slight_smile: :grouphug:
I will keep everyone up dated.

is that from all the years of wrestling?

Have a Speedy Recovery Robbie and buy a chevy for those few months.

No he got hurt at work, this is his 2nd back surgery, the 1st one didn’t work.
He never got hurt wrestling, he was at the top of his game and these back injurys, crushed his wrestling career. If you knew him better, you would know that. Thanks anyway Zub.

Get well soon.

Good luck with the surgery.

yea i only know him to see but best of wishes to him and family

Good luck and good wishes out to u and the fam,i’m sure everything will be alright.:beer:

Good Luck with the surgury and hope everything goes well and you get well soon

Good luck with the surgery.

good luck with the surgery!

best of luck robbie

Good luck

Hope everything is going good bro.

please say a prayer, he is like my best bud

Robbie, Good luck with the surgery and hope to see that Mustang out again soon!


:love: :booty: