Rainbow 6 Vegas

hahaha… yea… we all run up… FRAG…BOOMMMMMM

3 of us across the board

i think kevin is the funniest. he has genuine anger.



he is like the tourrettes guy

LOL… he got so mad at them

HAHAHA i loved the incendiary i threw… which went off adam’s head

and that fucking chair that was in my way!!!

god i have anger problems

lol i forgot about the chair!!!

we should have switched sides, im positive that is the harder spawn

yeah, we need to play more maps too

that same map gets irritating


lol it was getting ridiculous… LVU is a death trap at the one spawn

it was closer on streets i believe

oh well, tonight should be good


much closer.

yeah streets was alot closer.

I think me and howie crashed at the same time too.

i want in on this

the more the merrier.

bring it… more ppl = more funner

and more me getting pissed off


and more me getting pissed off


Thats why I turn my mic off. I don’t think people want to hear me blasting curses in their ears.


and more me getting pissed off


and more people jamming up in one hallway for a grenade to kill 5 people instead of 3

^^ lol truth


Thats why I turn my mic off. I don’t think people want to hear me blasting curses in their ears.


i believe you to be totally incorrect. we are a community, and as a result we enjoy each others explicatives. :grouphug:


and more people jamming up in one hallway for a grenade to kill 5 people instead of 3


you sound kinda sour my man, whats diggin you?:banghead:

lol’d my ass off last night.

thanks to howie I made it up to corporal last night as well. woohoo

lol i cant turn my mic off, i like talking to myself!!!

we need to fit about 17 people down that hallway, i bet we could fit!!