Rainbow 6 Vegas

haha hopefully you’ll keep playing with us… maybe join PRK!!! :smiley: :smiley:

dude we could fit…

if there was no fucking chair!!!

im just jokin dude i had loads of fun even though we got housed

LOL i was just gonna mention that we could all fit without a chair.


fuck that chair

I also like killing within the community

who doesn’t? i have personal vendettas against everyone except rob and aaron. although i do not openly admit to these, i often snicker when killing anyone else on nyspeed. especially krazyjon.

i like killing you :slight_smile:

i know rob thinks he can kill me consistantly now because of that 1 LVU round, so I’m going to really enjoy killing him.

I like killing andy a lot also. Although admittedly it is disappointing for me that he doesn’t really get upset when dying. :frowning:

remind me to tell you about the direct stock experience next you’re on, i sold a couple to complete the “trial”

I hear krazyjon is pretty good? too bad he’s a pansy and is afraid of signing on anymore.


:clap: tonight will be fun :clap:

even though i havent played R6 in close to half a year :picard:


more paper elites!!!

easy kills :slight_smile:

i have no idea what you are talking about, but ok :tup:

i don’t know if he is good or not, but it’s really difficult understanding him on live as he speaks only in binary

it will, but for who :rubicant:

I should be on tonight

The question is, M8, P90 or Raging Bull? Any body have a three sided coin?

fuck i dont even have a raging bull, i suck at the life

Don’t even get me STARTED.

The excuses come out already! :loopie:

paper elites howie!!