Splinter Cell : Double Agent

Comes out on 10/17.

My social life is over. :tup:

Anyone else picking this up?

Itagaki will be playing.

i’ll have it :smiley:

i loved this series…

i should pic this up


Yeah Ken, here comes the endless spy vs merc deathmatchessss. Cobra bois are gonna pwwnnnn. :smiley:

Just quit my job and dropped out of school so i should have much more time toplay this :tup:

Krazy pick it up I need another leet partner to get to snappin necks with me :badass: :gangsta:

^did you download the multiplayer demo on the marketplace?!?! i’ve been playing that beast all day

im in chi town… no 360 for me until the weekend :frowning:


Of course, I’ll first be playing it in Charlotte with my buddy for a few days before I get back from my vacation :smiley:

ill go buy it tomorrow… read the instructions and drool

Well judging by the texts i am recieving from Bladez right now spooging about how amazing multiplayer is, I think this game is gonna rock massive amounts of socks :headbang:

i wish i brought my 360 with me… shit takes too long to unhook from my setup…

but i dont think i could handle not playing it on high def…

i wonder if the hotel bar would mind if i played on their plazma?

i’m sure they wouldn’t have minded at all :smiley:

whoever has a 360 pick up a copy and lets play online! you know you wanna get roasted :wink:

im sooo in… im just working like a whoa right now

ugh this is gonna be fun. Polish Power FTW :hay:


Finally got a chance to play a bit of the single and multiplayer campaigns recently for a bit.

Single player = THE BOMB. LOVE IT.

Multi = :TIF: I dunno man, I cant get into it that much just yet. Maybe I need to get used to it. Maybe I need a good partner. Yeah, thats probably it. What I dont like is how they took most of the gadgets away from the spies. :frowning:

In Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory, what made multiplayer so intense was that once you started hacking shit, and the Mercs knew exactly where you were, and you knew they were coming, you and your teammate had a bunch of awesome spy gadgets to help escape from or neutralize the mercs. Not anymore. Now its just pretty much a few different grenades and thats about it. Essentially its a race to get to the data station, hack shit before the merc comes and pops your ass. But I guess if i get used to it and get a good partner, then you could still set up a merc team to come after you and have your partner take them out.

Overall, still worth buying, but i think alot of SC fans might be thrown off by the multi at first.

single player = 9.5/10
multi player = 5/10

fck splinter cell mike

go get nhl 07, so i can give u a wooping on live :hitit:

Here’s the thing though Mike: In PT and CT, as a Merc you sometimes had to fear the spies depending on who was playing as a spy. With all the gadgets that they had and the capabilities that they had, if a good one was running at you, there was a really good chance of him killing you and your buddy as he came to help you. Now, the spies have more reason to fear the mercs. I actually prefer this version of multiplayer. Chaos Theory got to the point where my buddy and I started finding different ways to kill Mercs when we were playing as the spies; pulling them over the railings, detonating their own mines so they would in essence kill themselves, etc.

Once I get cable back, we’ll get online and do a little multiplayer action :wink:

I finally got Double Agent…

3 words


hear it’s pretty good for the PS2 and XBOX… but the 360, PC and PS3 owners get the shaft :tdown: (Ubi Shanghi did it opposed to Montrial who did the Xbox and PS2 version)… not only is it an obvious port, but bugs up the goats ass

I can’t even play the 5th level without my PC going off the deep end and crashing or saved games becoming corrupt

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great game but it’s got to be, by far, one of the buggiest games I’ve played in a long ass time (alot of PC and 360 owners are experiancing the same kind of glitches)

rainbow 6 vegas> this hard ass stealth game


wtf u talking about bugs for the 360?, its one of the highest scores for reviews next to GOW, and i dont think its ported on the 360, but u should think of getting a system that can play it b4 screaming how it sucks cause ur shit crashes…lol
