Use your Xbox 360 to Fight for Liberation!!!!

Forget that overrated Halo crap :stuck_out_tongue: ,

It’s time to get pumped for the real game everyone has been waiting for:

That’s right bitches! :slight_smile:

First, your must read resources:

There will also be a special limited edition packaged with this:

So pre-order now if you know what’s good for you!

You already know the graphics will be tight (720p, photo-realistic), the gameplay and storyline will be AWESOME, and finally for the first time in the series history…


There will also be online tournaments on Xbox live including a potential team/squad based competition!

So who’s gonna fight for freedom on October 23?

We need to get a squadron together :shoot:

Yeah, that’s real time game footage right there. No render.

lol seems you cant crosslink from that site, but the demo was pretty good.

looks scary!!!


lol rick you crack me up.

better find food, i think he is the only person that will play against you :slight_smile:

Been waiting for this game to come out for an xbox based system… played the demo…super cool

Played and loved 4, 5 and Zero.

Been playing the demo since it came out and I have high expectations for this on the 360.

i can’t really tell if this was supposed to be a joke or not…

trust me!! as soona s pre orders are available im all over this like jeg on anything with legs!
the ace combat series is THE best fighter pilot game in my eyes i have always loved it
so RX-3 if you need a playmate for this im totally on your 6.

Ooooo co-op, and planes more specifically A-10s. If it has at least decent simulation elements I’m in. :slight_smile:

i agree demo is great…will pick up the game.

The flight sticks…meh…

I can’t wait for this game. I have pleyed the demo way too much.

im all over this… its not even gonna be fair :pimp:

fuck yeah

Is this game even remotely realistic? I’ve been an IL-2 Sturmovik fan for years now and I’ve always wondered how this game was.

well i think its pretty realistic

here go take the test


well i think its pretty realistic

here go take the test


I got 2 wrong :frowning:

It’s not 100% realistic. You won’t black out pulling high Gs, and you won’t red out if you pull negative Gs, but the flight characteristics are pretty much spot on. The weapons systems have been simplified considerably (although you still use a bomb pipper for dummy bombs, and that was done well :slight_smile: ). There’s no jet wash, the radar and map system is overly simplified, you don’t switch computers (A-A to A-G), and you don’t ever have to worry about fuel consumption. The in cockpit view is pretty accurate as far as visibility.

For a console, it’s as realistic as they could make it without scaring away the majority of console type players.


I got 2 wrong :frowning:

It’s not 100% realistic. You won’t black out pulling high Gs, and you won’t red out if you pull negative Gs, but the flight characteristics are pretty much spot on.


i thought you could black/red out on these ? its been a long time since i played but i could have sworn you did, maybe it was a feature you could turn off

listen, its enough to keep me into it for days aat a time.
i remember i lost my first girlfriend to ace combat 4 shattered skies
cause i played that shit for 4 days straight.


I got 2 wrong :frowning:

It’s not 100% realistic. You won’t black out pulling high Gs, and you won’t red out if you pull negative Gs, but the flight characteristics are pretty much spot on. The weapons systems have been simplified considerably (although you still use a bomb pipper for dummy bombs, and that was done well :slight_smile: ). There’s no jet wash, the radar and map system is overly simplified, you don’t switch computers (A-A to A-G), and you don’t ever have to worry about fuel consumption. The in cockpit view is pretty accurate as far as visibility.

For a console, it’s as realistic as they could make it without scaring away the majority of console type players.


You forgot a huge one. No real plane carries 80+ missiles.

Flight wise, it’s pretty good. The rudder control is extremely weak making knife edge flight difficult. Roll rate seems slow from what I’ve seen of actual flighter flights. While you can combine up elevator and right/left aileron you can’t combine full up with full left/right. This may be a limitation of the controller not the sim though.

EDIT: Only one wrong on the test. The one where you can see the city below the plane. I thought it was real because in the demo the building density is no where near that high. :tup: if that means they found a way to increase the building density to be more realistic in the full version.