Rainbow 6 Vegas



God he is handsome



ill be on within the hour

what was that noise???


what was that noise???


LOL why would you bring this back up is beyond my understanding… LOL :nono:

man fun times last night :headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:


PS. Skunk makes me die more than anyone else.


“Ok!” - Skunk

Running in a train formation through a narrow door

Skunk stops to look at something shiny on the floor.

No one can run past Skunk

“That’s COOOOLD Cabrone…!”


  • [PRK] Z3CHS [SPAZ 12]
  • [PRK] ROBHERSELF6969 [SPAZ 12]

“Guuuuuyyysss… why’d you die?” - Skunk, who then promptly proceeds to blindfire at a guy from 50 feet away :smiley:

crap, i should of signed back on, took me a while to remember how to shoot and shit, lol

There is no skunk… only xul!

Howie, lets not forget this gem…

SKUNK: “Whats that sound?.. What is that?..”

My personal favorite was when adam and skunk tried to go throuhgh the door at the same time side by side, then they both backed up and moved forward again 37 times before i got shot.


“Guuuuuyyysss… why’d you die?” - Skunk, who then promptly proceeds to blindfire at a guy from 50 feet away :smiley:


The blindfire from 50 feet away made me lol extremely hard.

Rob, what about the time I died watching the hallway and we were yelling at skunk for hours to go cover it before he got blindsided… then when he died:

“Oh what the hell they must have came from the hallway”:wave:

poor skunk.


It was such a fun game though, even though i think we only got 1200 points out of 19381403896738951822139871346023457 attempts it was well worth it.

Skunk makes even smoke grenades disappear in his Rainbow 6 Characters ASS!

i gotta play more often

ok so when are we all playing again? :smiley:

im going to toronto this weekend, so anytime after monday im game.

ok word. hey am i still good to stop by after 7?


im going to toronto this weekend, so anytime after monday im game.


Just make sure you don’t suck so we don’t make fun of you in this thread :slight_smile:


i love when adam and i got stuck in the door… both moved back… then both got stuck again

howie…i hate you