Rainbow 6 Vegas

PPS Robherself likes getting new assholes from my 870 also

gerr i just need to learn presidio, i have ony done terrorist hunt on it.


gerr i just need to learn presidio, i have ony done terrorist hunt on it.


less t-hunts… more team sharpshooter or assassination

who’s up for playing tonight

me ~9PM

i might be depending on what time, i have a football draft at 830.

Was playing stranglehold last night when you messaged me aaron.


me ~9PM


sounds good

and kev… stop being a vagina and play…

stranglehold rocks man!!!
i was busy

lol…r6 rocks

get it right

yes it does, but new game> for now.

ill be on later after my draft.

im in probably around 10ish i have never played assination


WTF is that

im pretty sure its a game mode where your team has to protect a vip and the other team hs to kill him.

weren’t there few new game modes on the map packs? We should try those

thats gay
protect a VIP, lol

yeah i woulden’t mind trying something new



thats gay
protect a VIP, lol


I’d be like what I do in team survival. Try to protect skunk, you know, the harmless one.

dude… give it a rest…


Do they keep stats online somewhere? That would rock.