Rally America on OLN

So who else watched it?

I’m watching it now. Bottums up had first interview, and I caught Xman filling up the fueltank on the scooby :slight_smile:

Coverage looked to be pretty good. Hard to fit 2 to 3 days worth of stages into 30 minutes, but it looks like the covered the basics pretty well. I’d recommend watching it for any rally fan and all those who “wanted” to go to events but weren’t able to make it out to any :roll:

someone needs to DVR this and upload it

Well, it’s DVRed. Uploading is a whole different ballgame. Unless someone has found a way to hack the Scientific Atlanta DVR box that Adelphia uses.

whats OLN? i thougt they were on speed

Rick, anyway to tape it on VHS? I want to see this, and I dont have OLN.

WRC is on speed this year, OLN carries rally america.

Dozer, bring over a VHS tape and I’ll tape it for you. :slight_smile:

ill pay for it if you happen to have one or pass one in the store :slight_smile:

as long as you keep them on the DVR, ill come get a bunch at once

TiVo > Adelphia DVR
(TiVo can be transferred to your PC and burnt to DVD, or hacked a little and uploaded. :slight_smile: )

I know, I might pick one up next year.

if you record this thing to VHS and mail it to me, I can drop it into a mpeg and host it. I’d like to see the coverage, I don’t get OLN and I missed all the good crashed on Friday :frowning:

I have it on VHS. I should be able to burn it to DVD tomorrow night.

Interesting coverage. Just different from what we’re used too. Good format for the general viewer explaining different aspects and nice job cramming the 2 day event into 1/2 hr show. Obviously, it’s awesome GNM got so much coverage. Strange how they threw in clips from all different rallies though, including Canadian events. The Stig clip was weird too.

How about Pastana’s flip? I wish I had video of mine, it must have looked like that.
I’m glad they showed Doug Shepard’s little stunt during the Burke accident. What a dickhead. The STPR show should be decent, I did a tech piece about driving lights.

I was cursing at Shepard too. What a moron.

i just called adelphia they will charge me$ 8 to add oln and all the movie channels but will charge me 12 if i get rid of hbo and add OLN how fucked is that?


OK - I have it on DVD now. Can anyone host this?

mail me a copy or send a rip to me over AIM --> amoredis I can host it

if you want to mail it … send it to

871 Elting Road
Rosendale, NY 12472

I just caught the replay of SnoDrift. Good coverage overall. That wasn’t me putting the fuel in the car. Must have been my rally twin, but there was a quick peek of me and Dozer walking down the main street over the host’s shoulder at the very beginning.

Lots of good pics of the GNM car.

Jon are you going to be a star? moving to cali… and make it big?