Random 14x8 Retarded Meshies

I’m selling (4) Retarted Meshies,
I wanted to do 5 lug and swap them on my 180sx.

If someone is interested about sizes all i know is 14x8 and the rims don’t say anything on them…

Price is Best offer.

Here are some pics



Will trade for a set of stock rims with tires.

What’s the offset

Just do the 5 lug swap Jesse!

I wish man,
Im broke
These are my dream wheels

Then dont sell them, keep them until you can afford the 5 lug, you will be much happier in the end. If you sell them now, get 5 lug in a year and can never find them again then you will be kicking yourself.

I need wheels, and i got a current really good deal.
Currently being held

