Random pics from Adirondack cruise.

well most of the sky is dark grey but around the edges its almost white … and the white peaking out between the trees … thats basically what i was talking about … what program did you use?

I kinda though thats how an HDR is soposed to work. If the river and trees were exposed properly, the sky was washed out. With the HDR I used the same raw shot and created 3 jpegs. One being -2ev on the exposure (bring out the detail in the skiy), one -1ev and one at normal exposure. Lightroom was used for normal image editing and then photomatix for the HDR stuff.

Where in the Adirondacks was this?

Near long lake

thank u sean

You are welcome Chris

Ah two great programs I can now see why the sky is the way it is not a true hdr but the effect came through for you! Nicely done

I know I know… I will see what I can do…

Excellent shots!
I wanna see more.

Yea, it was bacically my first real attempt at HDR. Came out decent I thought.


Do ettt

Thanks! I work on a few more.

Good job with the HDR Nick! Which lens did you use for these?

Thanks man! Canon EF-S 10-22 with a CPL.

holy shit… that is amazing

Thread on cruise pics that’s a few days old, yet still no cars seen. :ponder

Come on man… We need more pics…

cars? what are these cars you talk about? :wierd


These “cars” I’m talking about are definitely nothing featured in the thread about the “cruise”.

I really didn’t take too many pics of cars as I was driving.

Pictures of car ram rod and radio parked will do.