Random pics from Adirondack cruise.

I think I have the majority of the ones from driving… have no idea what they look like starr took them…

You guys are slugging hardcore with these pictures.

Tell you what come do my job and I will go home and work on them… deal?

Fine whats your job

not telling you… you would prob enjoy it way too much…

Well then how am I suppose to do your job?

haha… I run a tanning salon in Albany…

I will see if I can get to them this weekend… no promises… I still have to look through them…

Oh sweet give me a job then. Oh yea if they arent up this week end consider this a challenge to a dual. We shall face off at high noon monday if said pictures are not posted on the interwebz for all to see.

haha… not hiring sorry… you would be in love with half the college girls that walk in daily though lol…

haha… I will see what I can do as far as posting them… tell you what I will make you a deal I will post at least 1 by Monday ha…

If I do not approve the dual shall ensue

fair enough…

293 photos… hmm…will not be editing most likley just playing with them slightly and posting…

nick… good job dude that looks nasty !!! if i wasnt lazy i’de set it for my background too !!

love the post editing,

there is a thread i made somewhere for HDR tutorials and other tutorials to do with cameras and taking pictures, for anyone who likes that and wants to do the same… i posted links a few days back on offtopic

here you go pics are up…


Thank you

I have a few snap shots from the Long Lake trip and didnt want to start a new thread again. Sorry for Hijacking, Nick

Elliot’s ticket for Cossey’s loud exaust. LMFAO

and following conversation.


Nick’s got some treatz.

Nick does have some TREATZ!
and his facial expression in the last picture made me l o l :rofl

Thats a typical expression for Mr. AMD. LOL

haha… Priceless…

haha that treat was huge…