Random Picture Thread


eurodad anymore pictures of that golf in the background?

Nice pics.

yeah but they are all dirty pics. i never wash it

This is what I’ve been working on all day, well minus taking a nap and cooking dinner.




nice,the last pic is great!:bowrofl:

Every where that I posed that last picture their all like the last picture she’s sorta in a weird pose. They didn’t get that she’s suppose to be peeing on the fire hydrant.

This is a picture that I’m working on for First-Bass. Hopefully he’ll put it up on his website.
The hood is a little blown out, huge white spot on it, but I like how the First-bass in the background isn’t quite as sharp as the ext, but the hood line and the mirror are both pointing to the sign in the background drawing your eye to it.


Dude I really like that picture, I sent the link to my Web site guy, i hope he gets it on the site today, is there any way you could embed your email adrress or website, or name in the bottom of the picture, like “Photo By Hyabusa03rx” in transparent white?

Yeah I’ll hook it up. Thanks for giving me credit for the work.

So is image editing ok

Thanks for asking. Yeah its cool if its posted in the random thread.

two pictures I took from the dsm shootout, both with my 5mp canon sd450

I thought maybe your edit was a bit to dark…seem under exposed.
So I gave it a little processing
CS2 using the Shadows/highlights
Little blur with a soft light overlay and a Unsharp masking

Thats funny I used the highlights/shadows to darken it up. I don’t know why but all of my pictures minus my wedding pictures are dark. Maybe its because I need to stop listening to metal while editing pictures.

the darker one makes the blue look a lot better, but overall the lighter one looks a little better IMHO.

nice pics guys :bigthumb:

only problem with the darker one…you lose alot of detail in the window of the shop and around the grill area of the truck.
can make the blue a little darker if thats more the taste

05 do you know how to get rid or try and make the blown out spot on the hood any better?

no thats about as good as i could ge that spot…its VERY large and very bright and there really isnt any detail in there to take it out. The reason you got that it seems you focused on something darker and the camera metering used a slower shutter speed alowing the light on the hood to intensify more…I usually always try to focus on something thats a little brighter so it gives me a little more shutter speed and its usually alot easier to fix a little underexposure then a blown out spot

What I’ve got so far. I’m still going at it and getting just the way Chaz wants it.

I must say this is the longest I’ve worked on editing a picture.
