Random Picture Thread





Kinda bland, just practicing with the D40



^ What are you doing to get the totally black background like that?

the wifey just got me a D60 and I’m trying to figure out some of the intricacies of a DSLR, but I was just messing around with some different settings and a cheap wide angle lens while sitting in the car… Scott and Paulo are holding my hand through the learning curve lol. Can’t wait till I’m proficient at capturing exactly what I want to.


The light has to be very heavy on the subject your trying to capture, then turn the shutter speed wayyy down untill all thats left is what your trying to shoot, then I got into PS and black out a few light spots to make it look clean.

BTW Geoff thats looks great, GL with it


^ thats awsome

apparently a few other people like this one better

Hmm, that one is nice as well, what kind of camera are you using ?

D50 with the D40x stock lens, I like the distortion it gives

Yeah that is nice, thats the 18-55MM lens right ? my D40 came with it as well, I use it for the wide shots.

yup… when I get ambitious I use it at 18MM with a .45 reducer, gives a really “interesting” fisheye effect.


I was hired by a couple to take a pre nup shot

Here is another crappy cell phone picture, because that is all I can do.:stuck_out_tongue:

It is 4 doe and 2 fawn.
I snapped it from my dining room window.
The buck is a monster, I will try to get a picture of him.

Here is a picture of my video on my tv taken with my cell phone.:lol:

My pictures are more about content than skill and or quality.:biglaugh:


/\ /\ /\ nice pic micah awsome depth in it

micah ftw