[rant]I hate buying a house!

Goddammit if I don’t close tomorrow and have to close either the same day I leave this half of the world for 10 days or have to wait until I get back I’m gonna be so fucking pissed Goddammuthafuckinpeople who all are getting a piece of the pie and performing no function other than dealing with the BS they create by demanding to be involved muthafuckas ahhhhhhhhhhhhhfuck!

BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Finally my lawyer and I harass the shit out of everyone involved and everything is set to close tomorrow so I can move in this weekend and get the yard fenced so my girl can watch my dog while i’m in africa/europe! Then my lawyer dumb bitch broad informs me that noone from her office can close tomorrow so it will have to wait till I’m back at the end of the month!

Fuck NYS! Why the hell did I stay when I graduated? Why the fuck do I need lawyers out the ass just to make a purchase?! It’s ridiculous. They’re there simply to deal with the problems they create by being there. You don’t need lawyers to buy a car. You don’t need lawyers to buy a house in other states. WTF???

As soon as my fiance finishes her masters we’re gettin hitched, thanking NYS for our educations (the only thing the state does well) and getting the fuck outta dodge. Someplace where snow tires are unheard of.

Updated list of people to :shoot:

-Selling Realtor
-Buying Realtor
-Selling Attorney
-Buying Attorney
-Buying Attorney’s Paralegal
-Buying Attorney’s Closing Department
-Mortgage Broker
-Mortgage Broker’s Assistant
-Lending Bank
-Lending Bank’s Closing Department

What the list should be:
-Lending Bank

i have to go look at a place this weekend, and i am worried i will actually like it :slight_smile:

i really dont want to deal with this again. and the worst part… i will probably close in like the middle of jan and have to move in a snow storm. lol

Wow, didn’t even think of that. Moving in a slipperly shitty snow storm would make it just plain miserable. You’ll have to trade the egg for a pick-em-up truck and some studded snow boots! :tup:

Done. I’m in. Holy fuck that sucked. Between this and preparing for a 10 day busnass trip to Africa/Europe same day I close I have been so stressed that I’ve been sick to my stomach for like 2 weeks. I hate lawyers. I had to sign so many freaking papers. I had to sign 2 copies of a page stating that I am both James Fry and James A Fry. WTF?

Anyhow, I’m done, I’m in, I love having a house/yard/garage. Time to start fixing shit that I never noticed needed fixing. I love living in the Amherst/Tonawanda area. Maybe I’ll walk to Mighty tonight, just because I can.

Thanks for letting me vent. [/Huge Stressful PITA]