Rant inside

I FUCKING HATE THE NOISES PEPOLE MAKE WHEN THEY ARE EATING!!! HATE HATE HATE! fucking gross. and stop fucking talking to me while you are cow chewing your SHIT. thanks.


as do i dirty

i am overly sensitive to this as well. it makes me irate.

ive been known to snap about this too, im usually very well mannered

just chew like a normal person and everything will be a ok



this is not about chewing with your mouth open. its about the smack swallow spit shit cock sucking noises people make when they eat. doing it with an open mouth is just more whore-rific


God I hate it. One of my roommates pants when he’s eating. No fucking joke.

i kill you

OMG my ex was horrible with this shit. Her eating cereal would make me sick to my stomach :iobarf: