People who chew with your mouth open...

Are you fucking kidding me? How do people not learn to chew with their mouth closed in fucking pre-school. The guy that just moved into my cubicle is eating his lunch and it sounds like he’s mauling a Gazelle.

Do these people just not hear themselves? Or just tune it out? It bothers the shit out of me because it is such a disgusting noise.

I’m going to cut his head off…


is this the guy u keep on pranking?

No but he’s asking for something with this nonsense.

Is he fat? He probably is.

I’m with you, I cannot stand it when people do that. it is disgusting.

lol some people it doesn’t really matter/bother me much. But some have a tendency to open their mouth REALLY wide with each chew… that’s real nasty (especially when they talk and food fly’s out). The sound is similar to a female dog ‘taking care of business’ lol

like slapping coldcuts together in a plastic bag

Oddly enough, he isn’t. He’s my height, but just a little heavier. And Indian, if it matters.

dot indian or feathers indian

lol, i sometimes catch myself chewing with my mouth open, mostly when im deep in thought…then i realize how obnoxious im being


lol does he own a gas station or work at one?

punch him in the mouth

allergic to alcohol indian or curry indian?



bow and arrow indian or lack of deodorant indian?

i chew with my mouth open,sorry

i seriously cant stand that shit. also people who hold their fork like a fucking cave man ie. close fisted / shoveling action. also, people who lick their fingers WTF. im getting annoyed just thinking about it

my gf once stopped talking to a dude a few years back after their first date bc of his piss poor table mannors. she said otherwise, he was a nice dude, but just ignored his phone calls after the first date for that reason alone. lol. she rules.

tomahawk indian or 99% of UB’s chemistry department indian?