GUYS... Would you Eat shit or suck a dick?

In the spirit of me being called a shit eater all night… I ask you to answer this honestly.

You must choose one or the other.

so… suck a dick…

or eat a terd.

Me… Id rather eat a terd.

A man could cure aids, but if he sucked one dick in his lifetime, he will forever be known as a cock sucker.


what movie is that from?

Do you have to spit or swallow?

i think we should specify what kind of turd. I dont think anyone would eat a long lumpy turd that was green and had corn pieces in it
but i will not suck a dick.

and what are the circumstances under having to choose between dick and poop

omg the week long conversation of bubble tea and southgate im saying dick only two people have chosen shit so far before this poll

“A man spends his whole life building bridges, builds some the greatest bridges in the world, but one day, gets caught with a cock in his mouth, now he will never be remembered as a bridge builder, hes remembered as a cock sucker”.

thats the real quote… not sure where its from … i just remember it. :lol:

Btw, it says nothing about the guy blowing it in your mouth… you just have to suck on it.


haha like me and pat said last night a dick is just skin shit can get stuck in your teeth
…and the rule is the dick or shit is coming from a big black guy

EAT YOUR HEART OUT PAT… theres a ton of turd munchers on NYspeed… looks like you and eric are some of the few cock suckers.

i know this line was said in the movie “play it to the bone” with antonio banderas and woddy harrelson. took me a minute to remember.

The VW owner said he’d suck dick.


this is why we can’t have nice things will…

in my pants!

hahah ii dont own a vdub i did 3 years ago :frowning: just wait until more people view there iwll be a lot more dick suckers over shit eaters

some girls do both at once :slight_smile:

i’d take a dick. i’ve had vag and boobs and labia’s in my mouth. it’s prob near that. but shit? i can’t even handle a shitty diaper.

jokes on the rest of ya when you have corn stuck in your teeth

9 Guys 1 Cup?

only if you hold the cup!!! :mamoru: