GUYS... Would you Eat shit or suck a dick?

Looks like ericvw7989, nitroinsane and psychopjv are getting special invites to a party at the Baxter residence.

ahhhhhhhhhh you are fucking the question up.

ok the original question was,

would you put a dick in your mouth (no sucking) or eat nasty diarrhea shit and swallow it.

there was never any sucking of dick in the original question.


my logic is.
I’ve never gotten sick from watching a guy get a blowjob via porn.
I nearly lost my stomach at 2 girls 1 cup.



Kevin the original question I was asked was would you suck a dude and let him blow in your mouth or let a hot girl shit in your mouth. And then you twisted it from there. Me and Drew both said we’d eat shit, then you got made fun of for being a cocksucker.

End of story.


This statement implies that you’ve never had a dick in your mouth before Pat. FYI.

You see, shit was at one time food.
Cock, well…cock will always be cock.

theres no girl hot enuff to let a fudge biscuit float down yer pallet, fucking dispicable, An the other choice is just as fucking gisgusting. Seek therapy if you would consider either.


how much shit?

how big is he… how long does it have to be in my mouth… how long do i need to suck?

and what kinda money am i looking at?

if it’s skunk’s dick…does it really make a difference?

Something wrong Will? Are you in some sort of trouble and need money?

Women suck dick all the time. I don’t see them popping shit bon-bons. I eat pussy, and lick every part of a womans body and I also don’t eat shit. Some things are O.K. to do and others aren’t.

If this was a life and death situations and I had to choose one, and ONLY in those circumstances would I really make this kind of decision, I’d rather suck a dick for a split second (no time frame was mentioned) than EVER think of eating shit. Fucking sickos… 19 to 6? WTF is wrong with you people?

19 people who are not comfortable with their manhood; that is what I see.

Enjoy the poo sandwich guys, I hope it’s nice and juicy.

cock meat sandwich > poo sandwich?

OP has done both

at the same time

absolutely not, it was put a cock in your mouth or take nasty diarrhea shit from a hot girl. stop changing it. it was never sucking dick.

Cock -> don’t have to swallow anything, only lasts a millisecond, probably feels like sucking a finger. Women all do it over eating shit, so it can’t be too bad in comparison.

Shit -> has a very bad taste and texture, and you have to swallow. And most definitely is NOT like a finger/skin. Nobody eats it for a good reason.

We’re not discussing this for manliness, so think logically. You’ve eaten pussy right? Sucked your finger? Licked a girls toes? I bet you’ve probably done all of those. I am guessing you’ve never put a turd in your mouth, however. Women suck dicks all the time, but do it for a while and also have to deal with swallowing/etc. You’d have to do it for a split second.

Stop being such a baby and put that dick in your mouth. :naughty:

And are you also telling me you’ve never had the drunken bar conversation with the guys about “If I could suck my dick, I’d never leave the house” ??? If you’re so willing to suck your own dick, what’s the problem here? Is everyone afraid to say it in front of your online peeps?

You are quite the advocate for dick sucking.