haven’t posted a rediculous topic like this in a while, been busy, sorry.
anyways, when you take a pee, shake etc. do you wipe the tip of your dick to get that excess pee off or do you just shove it back in and walk around with wet boxers for the next hour.
I personally wipe. It’s a respect thing. My wife appreciates it, we’ve had this discussion. It really came to light when i took a pee with my brother in the bathroom… he was all “You wipe the tip?”
I was like “yeah you don’t?”
he was all “Shit ass no!”
but his gf was there and got angry at him… “You dont wipe your dick?”
My wife, gf at the time, was also there. i commented that i loved her and didnt think that she should have to taste my pee when giving me a fantastic blow job.
Not sure how it went that evening for my brother, he and his gf at the time aren’t together anymore… could it be because his dick tasted like old pee? whats the word for dick residue?
I feel weird typing dick so many times in one post.
i’m a big fan of shaking it more than enough times it’s fun for me and good for her!
i did have a talk with the wife about this and she always just assumed i wiped after i pissed. Needless to say the train to BJ town ran a bit late for a few days until she forgot all about it.