Rant: To The Black Subaru STI I Have Seen Multiple Times...

On Union Road…Between 6pm and 7:30PM when i am going home. I have seen you 3 times now zipping in and out of traffic, almost taking off a front bumper of a daily driver with your “MAD” Skills.

Tonight was just great because, I was rolling down Union (in my daily driver F-150) just past French, towards Clinton and I saw you zip past me on the right doing probably 60 and cut left at the last minute before missing the car in front of you. It’s a good thing a subaru is small because, I couldn’t have fit a phonebook between your rear bumper and my front bumper.

ASSHAT!!! Slow the EF down on streets with heavy-slow traffic…

I have a relatively fast car for fun (98 Trans Am)…but i DO NOT drive it in residential areas or heavy traffic areas at high speeds…

Oh, I got the plate number since you had to stop at Clinton for a red light and i pulled right-up behind you…

Plate# - DRW 8727
Black Subaru STI


florida plates?

i was expecting to the plate to be SNKYSNKY


florida plates?


Nope, NY plates…I was 10 feet off their bumper sitting at the light

the only black STi i know of on here is that MOBOOST or whatever his name is…

seemed like a cool guy the 1 time i talked to him at mighty :gotme:

twas not me said the flea…

Im almost never on union plus I drive like a granny

There is a black subi on melrose off of main. (across from willy south)

i’ll check to see if it’s the same one


i was expecting to the plate to be SNKYSNKY


