Rap freestyle thread

and i agree aha

stop talking about nwa

the first link was good shit

freestyles are mostly two ways

“off the top 100%”

or pieced together verses / lines / rhymes from stuff before or pre written shit

freestyles that are a solid verse from start to finish are not legit, i hate those

freestyling rap is like freestyling snowboarding or some shit, you dont make the tricks up as you go, you just piece together what you already know in a single session… ya i guess some people make up tricks on the fly but thats not common

thats the same way competition freestyles go, its pieced together from material they already have together

off the top 100% freestyles def show where the talents at, but no body wants to hear that shit unless its live in the same room… not worth the youtube video !

i wish i could do that shit =/

cassidy free was sick too, for sure

I always thought cassidy was good. check out cassidy vs freeway, an oldie but still great.

Check out these white boys:

little bit of improv in this one. Mickey Factz is realll underrated IMO.

As Singh said, a lot of freestyles consist of bits of the artist’s material.

This is exactly that type of “freestyle”, not straight off the top but it’s just incredible what these guys can do…

Big L & Jay Z 7 minute freestyle

Jay Z’s flow is straight, heavily syncopated with that figgedyfu-schnickens influence (which he seemed to have toned down since then) but even he runs out of gas at 6:xx.

Big L starts out strong and just murders it around 4:15 with some lines that always crack me up, plus the legendary ones I love:

“I’m so ahead of my time my parents haven’t met yet”
“All I got for hoes is hard d#ck and bubble gum”


Big L RIP!

archie come by the studio sometime when you’re in town and free (ha like that will ever line up with me being free)

I gotta show you some of the stuff I’ve been doing lately too !

Yeah man sorry I didn’t respond to your initial invite yet. I definitely want to see the King in action sometime. If you are as fearless behind the mic as you are behind the wheel of the CVMP kart, I can see some ill tracks being laid down… :lol

check your pm for some ill tracks being laid down!

great video funny as hell. i am not ghetto at all but free styling is awesome.

that was ILL !