Rare 1989 Chevrolet Beretta Gtu

seller has valid point…

18,526 total for all 3 years produced, actually. Sure there were more made than the GTU initially (13,627), but the majority of GTZ’s shit the bed and that made the remaining ones even more rare. LOL.

What? My previous car was the sister car to the Beretta, hell it had the same motor as yours did from the factory:

Z24 :slight_smile: Not bad for factory paint. Seriously though, why do you think I bought a COBALT? The SS Supercharged, to me, was the modern-day Z24 back in 2007. I personally love those cars [2nd gen Z24 Cavalier].

Nobody likes an arrogant seller, either. :wink: Again, good luck with the sale. Try listing it on v6z24.com, wouldn’t hurt.



Oh, and good luck with sale… I was just giving you a hard time, it’s not every day you hear someone call a Beretta rare… There were 3 in my driveway at one time and one was a GTU.

I have had multiple transactions with seller. Good guy. GLWS

The only thing these cars are good for…

How are Corsica’s “fail” when theyre the same damn car but with two more doors?

Trade for my BMW in sig? Must keep gay stripes though.

That was a nice car. I own the mirrors Front bumper and door sills

That’s the problem with most domestic 4 door sedans…

i know a certain corsica wit a 3100 t3 running 12.9 on 9 psi. sick sleeper… i think im the only one here who rocks old fwd gm… 89 gp now runnin holset hx35. Glws.

i REALLY hated my 3.1 in my grandprix…

and i still remember in 08 when you went to race someone with cords showin on your tires and open DP going down RT9 shootin flames lolol

wasnt the gas tank leaking too?