What's a rare car?

THIS, is a rare car.

What’s up, stock air to water IC

didnt raven have one of these, only a newer model?

1983 Corvettes are rare.

i actually saw one of those around buffalo once. i wasn’t aware how rare they are.

Yeah, but they were even more rare in 88 :slight_smile:

Raven had a ST185, the “GT-4” I think, this one is a ST165.

I was gonna say The 4 gullwing starions residing in japan, but i guess not :stuck_out_tongue:

rare but ugly in my opinon

what can I say I drive a celica too

andy (raven) had a 90 i beleive, it was the body style after this one. i was kinda looking for one of these before this winter hit, but didn’t find any remotely close that were in good shape. that one looks clean :tup:

Heh, I was just going to make a post to the affect of Jay is fapping, but nevermind…

No, this is a rare car. 25K in 1935…

In 2005, $25,000.00 from 1935 is worth:[1]
$358,282.21 using the Consumer Price Index.
$309,046.05 using the GDP deflator.
$1,107,042.25 using the unskilled wage.
$2,237,326.96 using the nominal GDP per capita.
$5,304,855.20 using the relative share of GDP.

Yeah if you can find one those, you really know your cars :uhh:

about as rare as 323 awd turbo hatches

st165 hotness

I was drooling over thread that this morning. Would not mind rocking one of those.

My car has an air to water intercooler from the factory.

ew ugly car

Only problem is that they’re a PITA to work on. I knew a guy that used to auto-x one of those, he said you had to remove the alternator heat shield or something to get to the oil filter.

explain yourself.

It seems like you want to start a discussion so, how many units per year do you have to be under to call a car rare?

those are hott. total sleeper.

people go nuts over my car :gotme:

1 of 9 in the country