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Emperors Club

Chicks with the phattys.FTW


so he was an African jew…

no, did i say that? i said he was like u!

well im a cop

he was Caucasian!

ooooooo ok, now we are getting somewhere.

good avi!

Edit: X/10 - no rating for post above



I was staring at it for 3 minutes straight trying to figure out which transformer it was and then it hit me :lol


that stripper probably has aids… or hepatitis C

or both for that matter

:lol suzuki 450r :mwahaha 8/10 cause i die laughing everytime i see it

Edit: X/10 - no rating for post above

Edited for vlad

91 teg’s already been rated so im tossing mine in the mix… :banana

6/10 because you don’t have the ///m anymore

10/10 cuz i LOVE white cotton panties like in that pic :excited :excited :excited

1/10 cause the dude is ugly and I have issues about watching people eat

9/10 who is she???

suzuki quad?


3/10 for originality that FAILS

my newest distraction/money pit/girl.

explain? because i lived there for 5 years and i like the area alot. posting a picture of your “lastest distraction” shows how much you care about her. or actually how little.

how little actually. thank you very much

and IDK just redoing a Northface logo is blah. North west is a pretty area

Knowing you, shes a solid 8/10.

10/10 for caddy shack

as for girl:

9/10 body

7/10 personality

overall 8/10

9/10 for random hot chick
(changed my avatar)

cool car, keep dreaming
Carrera GT gets a 9/10

having the same car in your Avatar and Signature -5 points

total 4/10

me= pwnt :idiots