Rate the avatar above you.

^^^ Can’t read it/see it…Looks to me like a Dinosaur, they suck so 1/10 ;D

3/10 for stealing it from singh

4/10 for getting rid of those sexy ACS and replacing them with the choppas :shifty

daytona purple m3… heard the car is whooped, so 5/10

this is my avatar

:crackup :crackup :crackup

ok wow i just LOL’d 10/10

8/10 only because i giggled at the pic and jell-o fell outta my mouth lol

1/10 becuase you giggled

0/10 because i saw that coming…lol

-5/10 becuase you actaully gave a 0/10



10/10 cause when i saw this parked off RT9 once i rubbed my balls all over the door handles picked the lokked and rubbed my taint on the steering wheel :nana :haha

9/10. shes a real looker.

8/10, open dp is pretty sweet

9/10 for Peter griffon and a non annoying GIF

its not true open downpipe. hes an imposter

0/10 … your avatar sucks

alright dumpster boy.

none showing up- 0/10 :nana

i dont have one. why be like everyone else.

5.0 badge and 5.0 in sig = GAY