RC Nitro fuel

I am selling all my nitro engines and have some fuel.

30-50% several quarts! If there is interest? I can provide more info. We can work on prices.

What engines are you selling?

I only have one plane engine & two boat engines. I plan to list on ebay.

O’Donnel racing fuel & trinity fuels

Are the engines OS?

I had an OS .45 that sold… The rest are K&B outboards.

Car fuel is different than plane/boat fuel btw

True that! Different oils & %

I still have a couple bottles left here at the house. I have more at my parents. I have some car fuel, boat fuel & airplane fuel. I don’t have much left here tho. Most of it has sold.

what K&B outboards do u have

I just sold my Polished 3.5

Only one I have left now is a 7.5 with a semi polished lower unit. I started working my way up on the grits. I forget how far I got. I also have a deep vee fiberglass hull with ebox, adjustable trim tabs, fuel tank and cowl. That it is currently mounted to.

oh i have the 7.5 lol u looking to sell the vee???

I can sell the Vee. I have a new electronic fail safe for it to that I can sell. I never wanted that speed machine to get away from me. A couple new HD ball bearing high torque Futaba servos. New digital 3 channel radio system. I was going to set it up for trim but never finished that mod. Can always arrange a day if you wanna stop over and check the stuff out.

what r u looking to get for it???

For what? The hull? Electronics? Motor? What are you looking for?

The hull is custom painted red with clear coat. Has Yellow racing decals that say evinrude on the sides that can easily be removed. Also has a pin stripe down the upper sides that meet at the peak of the bow below the deck.

The boat with ebox, trim tabs, gas tank & running hardware I think $85-100 is fair? It’s never been crashed. No chips. I’ve only used it a couple of times. AKA two times.

I am open to offers. Thats why I say pick a day. I can get all the items together and lay them out on the table for you to look at.