*Read Before Posting* : Forum Rules

When posting we ask that you do your best to follow these simple rules.
These apply to ALL SON240SX users.

When posting:

  • Post only relevant content

  • Refrain from short, pointless posts

  • Use capitalization at the beginning of sentances, with I, and with proper names

  • Use punctuation such as periods at the end of sentance to separate ideas

  • Post with correct spelling as opposed to: u, wit, wut, dat, wen, sum, etc.

  • Do not post titles in all CAPS or your thread will be deleted

  • Use standard text sizing for message body

By following these guidelines our forums will be easier to read, and a
much better source of information for all users. It will also make the jobs
of the moderators easier, and allow them to move on to more important
tasks. It may be hard to do this at first, but you will become accustomed to
this and it will enhance your everyday life and make you appear as a
smarter person

Forum Rules:
Finally here are the rules we have set for our forums. Once again these
apply to ALL users. Violation of these rules is grounds for locking/deleting
your thread and/or banning of your account without notice.

  1. No profanity in subject lines or signatures.

  2. No spamming or commercial solicitation of any kind. Any such messages will be removed at the discretion of either a forum moderator or administrator.

  3. No flaming of other members to incite or perpetuate a conflict or argument. ANY personal attacks or name calling will get you banned.

  4. No flooding forums or threads with pointless posts. Keep all posts relevant to the topic at hand.

  5. No linking or posting of pornographic or objectionable material.
    ***Except in member’s section with a NWS warning and in good taste

  6. Do not impersonate other individuals or falsely represent yourself.

  7. Do not discuss, suggest, engage, or encourage any illegal activity on the forums. Linking to locations that deal with any such activity are also forbidden.

  8. Posting under secondary usernames or alias user names other than your main account for the purpose of arguing, degrading or belittling other readers is grounds for having your posting privileges revoked.

  9. You must have a valid e-mail account in your profile so you can be reached by a forum moderator or administrator.

  10. No signatures with more than five lines total.

These are here to help you (and others) have an enjoyable experience here.

  1. Respect both forum moderators and administrators. It is a thankless job that we do, and cleaning up other people’s messes is never fun.

  2. No SHOUTING. Don’t use all caps when posting. It is difficult to read and annoying.

  3. Try to post to the forum that is most appropriate for the topic being presented.

  4. No cross-posting. (Posting the same thread in more than one forum)

  5. Refrain from using profanity or cr3ative spell1ng to get around the censor filters.

  6. Respect the privacy of other members and individuals. Do not post personal information about them (i.e. addresses, phone numbers, passwords, etc.)

  7. Observe all copyright laws when posting copyrighted material.

Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of these rules. Any messages found to be in violation may be locked or deleted without warning or explanation. SON240SX also reserves the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason and the right to change these rules without notice or refund at any time.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Any blind links without description and warnings… will be locked and/or deleted.