REAL minature working ferrari

frickin wow?

that is just amazing!!!

thats pretty crazy…

Just imagine that thing with a remote control :twisted:

that guy is both the craziest and most brilliant man in the world… as well as being one of the biggest losers in human history…so conflicting.

it would have have been easier just to put that passion into something else that generated an income and buy the real thing.

this is super super interesting, but the vehicle is almost entirely useless…

Or he coulda made all the molds 4 times the size and sold one hell of a kit car.

the time he put into that is equivalent to 10 years of a full time job spread over 15 years.

meaning he could not have had a full time job for the past 15 years…

how can he not be able to afford the car but be able to afford not to work for a decade and a half?

He probably lives with mommy. (or grand mommy) :shock:

Did he actually say he didn’t work? Cuz some ppl can put a lot of time into pet projects like that. Or he coulda made other things as well and sold them to make money.

i wonder how much he could get for that thing on ebay

said 20000 hours over 15 years

Hmm… fair nuff. I dunno… it’s cool and stupid at the same time. I mean, if he can build that V12, why not build a regular sized one, stuff it in his tempo :smiley:

the dude looks like he has mad resources, he must if he could get alot of that stuff built.

i call BS on the not being able to afford the real deal.