REAL TALK - penis reduction

yo on some real talk i just wanna hear and talk about penis reduction and i wanna know if anyone on the forum has tried it out or knows anything about it…

i’ve heard that it hurts like fucking hell and you have to go in for treatments, not just one time. I’ve also heard that there is no guarantee and it COULD grow back…

if got any input let me know, im personally tired of having such a large penis and frankly I am tired of always having girls like me for just my penis… i have had sex for a very long time and the last 5 years or so its just been getting out of control i feel like Ron Jeremy at this point and thats not funny.

let me know what ya think, about the effectiveness and the pain level… i dont want a one incher, but if its really the real deal i guess i’ll do it


send me cars on forza - XBL Singh336

thx brah

HAHAHAHHAH + repzzzzzzzz

sorry i was born naturally small, i wouldnt know what having a big dick feels like


It hurts a bit, had it done. Spent like $1k, it pretty much grew back.

It would hurt like hell on your balls.

The darker the skin color the more noticeable the scar is when they stitch it back on (they cut out about 3" from the middle)


:rofl at all the posts. Especially 91240’s and Condoleeza.

shift never lets down, haha good move :lol:lol