Really funny X-post

holy fuck that was funny!

edit: take the word “kinda” out of the title. my face hurts.

WOW :tup:


LMFAO time infinity!!! Wow, my co-workers are wondering WTF is wrong with me because Im dying here in my desk laughing so hard… thanks for this

I laughed out loud in the middle of a conference call

hahah amazing, truely hope i never experience this but i definitly lol’d

I have no idea where, but I’ve read that before. It is still mad funny.

I’ve been hit by an electric fence. I feel his pain, literally. lol. My case wasn’t nearly as dramatic though

Epic X-Post

A+ would read again. I actually touched an electric fence at Batavia Country Club golfing. Man that fucking sucked. My arm hurt for three weeks.