
…by a Plymouth Breeze/Chrysler Cirrus/Dodge Whatever today.

The Prizm has a three inch long scratch, the Breeze/Cirrus/Whatever had flat black paint and gouges all over the front bumper.

I told the chick not to worry about it… I can fix it with the spray paint in my trunk…haha.

i’m sure there are a few of you who’ll say “dumbass. you could have made some money,”… but you’re the cuntrags that make all of our rates skyrocket.

Hit in the rear just like you want it


hit hard.

in the rear.

by a pointy nose.

(she stole your job.)

u forgot u like it in the rear, so it didn’t bother u at all.

battle wound… leave it like it is

you know, i used to own a VW…

now everything makes sense.


If someone rear ended one of my cars, yes I would make them pay for it, whether their rates went up or not.

If I took a dump on the ground and someone stepped in it and messed it up, then yeah I guess I would just let them off the hook. :smiley: j/k I’m sure they were very grateful.

he dont have liecines is why he said let it go!

lol… i have my licence, registration, and insurance.

oh, if there was any real damage i’d have made her pay… but a scratch on my spray-painted bumper and a headache isn’t grounds for going after her.

I let someone go once… there was a trailer hitch on the back of my parents conversion van, and someone hit me. No damage to the van (that I knew of) and they had a huge round dent in their front bumper. Let them go, found out later that it screwed up the wiring in the trailer hitch and my parents had to pay $300 to fix it… :hs: