reason why i can't connect to limewire at college?

whitey… anyone?

last year i could get on peer to peer sharing programs all day long… wtf

i know they don’t restrict me getting mp3’s or anything coz i’ve downloaded those other ways, but i’d like to get this program running

any thoughts?

firewalled… you = :owned:


because Limewire is illegal and you shouldnt be using it.


yes but there are ways around it . :hsugh:

Unless they have a good firewall administrator :slight_smile:

true true… but knowing .edu’s… :hs:

Firewall it all and proxy the rest out based on rulesets provided by content management systems > *


i run a firebox completely blocked… only VPN to WAN sites and only allow 80/8080/25 ect ect

F aol and F all that other bullshit P2P

how can it be a firewall if since i started here 2 weeks ago i’ve downloaded between 10-15 gigs of other shit, i just can’t get a P2P to load…

i’d think it’d be both or none if they are trying to throttle those things being transfered


Applications use these things called ports, they have ranges that they work on, so at a firewall level you can block these things called ports… Since they can no longer work on standard ports it causes a lot of problems…

:blah: :blah: :blah:

think p2p could pickup on port 80 (like AIM does)?

Depends on the protocol, most of them do proxy out, but I’ve stopped using P2P for a long time due to it’s lack of encryption… It’s just a matter of time before people realize that shit is easy to track, and it’s being tracked…

kazaa won’t do that and i’m not aware of any p2p that can. p2p sucks ass for stuff anyway.

newsgroups and mirc are easier to use and have a lot more shit.

because firewalls allow access to the interweb


feel like telling me how to use either of these then?

i tried mirc for awile codent figure it out

install mirc - goto - follow directions.

that will get you started.