Recommendation for Shift/Shift users

One of the guys on ROFLWAGENS wrote the back-end of this new app. for blackberry users. I just put it on my phone and it works pretty damn good. It needs to be added to this site though in order for it to work.

Scanner code for blackberries (must have new bb messenger. Go to invite contact then scan barcode. Then point phone at image, ???, profit)

That’s pretty crazy.

I believe there was a thread somewhere on this. Some information there could be useful.

i did a search but didnt find anything. I think it should be added to the site so people w/ blackberries can easily access the forums from their phone…

I was looking for exactly that but for android os…

there is already a shift518 blackberry group fyi. theres a thread from when 5.0 first came out. im not posting my personal barcode cause i don’t want a bunch of random people i don’t know being on my msg contacts.

yea, but that is for general chat. This actually gives you better access to the forums and makes it more user friendly.