RedBull Stratos jump live

basically this dude is jumping from damn near space, wants to brake 690mph or something nutty on the decent befor pulling the cord.


NM its getting delayed due to winds.


wtf is he worried about winds for if he’s trying to go 690mph!!! DUMBSHIT. Steer into it and you’ll go faster!!!

the balloon is made out of super thin material and might tear in high winds.

He’s actually trying to break mach1 (speed of sound)


^^^ F’IN SICK!

So when is the jump now.

Sun Oct 14, 2012

		<b>6:00am MDT</b>

They have a countdown on the website.

Which is 8am our time.

Pushed back an hour and a half. Will be at 930am our time.

Are they airing it live on TV on any stations or anything? Or just on their site?

When the first day they tried it was being aired on Discovery Channel but I just checked and its some holy roller church crap on. So I’m guessing just on the site.

And it was just delayed again…now at 1045am our time, I give up.

It will be on the Velocity channel when it airs. It is on hold for weather though

Discovery Channel is showing it in the guide, but mythbusters is on right now…

Same with Velocity, but it’s a show about girls working on cars…

The balloon is being inflated.

Launching now!