Rednecks + 4x4s + Mud =

Interesting video but it gets good at 17:30
“Kirby GTFO”


I would love to own / try this

in the second video… I may sound old, but, I think i’d wear some eye protection while driving. a rock at 100mph to the cornea probably would ruin your weeeknd.

I was thinking the same thing

That second viedo looks like it would be endless fun.
I thought he was going over a few times, then he just pedals it and it sits flat.

How about wearing a helmet at least for the driver lol.

Lol so much fun. First video needs the proper music though.

Second vid the rock bouncers have a pretty good group of guys all wheeling the same way around Alabama. Im going to be starting on a tube buggy like one of those no where near as crazy but still capable of a lot of the same, I really want to make the trip down there and run with those guys theyre all out of control.

The first vid when the car blew up i was like damn. then it blew up again and the flames and i shouted “get out” at the same time the guy yelled kirby get out lol

I would love to build one of these / know how much $$ is into them

The one at 8min is cool but 8:12 would freak me out!

lol at the guy that loses his wheel and just keeps gunning it

10:30 is frign awesome

Those are bigggg money rigs $60k and up most of them use monster truck transfer cases and parts like that, custom 14 bolt steer axles, 500-750hp motors and so on. But you can build a buggy that will go most places those will minus the big jumps and shit for $10-15000

Rock bouncers are the shit. So bad ass.

Yeaaaa I was thinking around 50k.
I wouldnt mind a 10-15k one with plates.
Daily driver/weekend warrior