rednecks vs BMW somone gets pwnd

Fake. :tdown:

they arnt even real hicks…there driving a toyota.

the bmw guys girlfriend walked over and took the camera…she was taping…im on the fence with it.

i kinda believe it. it doesn’t seem that acted at all. just ppl being real nervous in a situation that would deff do that to you.

:tup: to not puttin up with ppls shit. i wonder what would have happened if he didn’t have that gun tho…:smash2:

:word:yeah, exactly that: it’s not bad acting, did you see how scared the Z4 guy was even though he had the gun? and the reactions of the other two guys? it’s kind of a cool vid, but the tension in it makes it hard to watch. i can’t watch it 2x…

Meh, it does seem kinda fake. I don’t think I would have the balls to make jokes about the bat being for a little league game or whatever he said. But then again, I think if it was acting they could have come up with a better line than “Hey blondie! Nice face!”

:gotme: I’m going to assume it was real just because it would be so cool if it was. :tup:

A the Z-4 driver probbaly wouldn’t have pulled the trigger. Bat man should have known that.

I believe it’s jogging or yogging. it might be a soft j.
I’m not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time.
It’s supposed to be wild.