Why I support the 2nd Ammendment so strongly...

Rednecks Pick the wrong BMW owner to Fuck With!

i’ve seen this many times, still can’t tell if its fake or not

It isn’t fake

i hope its not fake… that is the best example of intelligent self defense with a firearm ever. hahaha pwned!

It’s fake


Production quality? They’re always facing the camera, like, oh, idk film students?

I can’t find the snopes article but pretty sure it was posted on bimmerforums a while ago as a fake.

idk, when i need to lose someone i make it happen, whether its a dick in a truck or an official

Going to go ahead and call BULLSHIT on that one.

yeah completely played out!! but funny nonetheless

your right ;D i’m a liar


Usually when a critic notices something that they believe is a fake, it is the requirement of the critic to provide proof that it is in fact a fake.

Either way I LIKED IT DAMNIT :confused

Oh hell yeah, the first seventeen times I saw it I loved it.

Great vid!

I am on bimmerforums though, thought maybe it much of a repost on other forums. Guess so :rofl

haha yea tell that to the kids on break.com screaming fake all over the place stupid mother fuckers

yea this vid was really good, i really want to believe its real, but the very ending was kinda stupid “keys at the end of the road IN THE GUTTER!” or what ever was kinda stupid

but the rest was really good, if it was fake, then yea i would say… film students

ive seen it a while ago, fake or not its a funny video

seen it a billion times, its staged. I mean what kinda redneck does not have a gun in their truck as well?

HAHA best part “hey Blondy nice face, did you get caught on a fence.” ha ha i have to say that in school now.

ha, he’s makin fun of a bimmer when he’s driving a TOYOTA truck :lol , its to bad its probably fake thats hilarious

I’ve been witness to mister gage losing the authorities multiple times :lol

One time I got pulled over when he and art in the blue evo had a little fun on central ave. I was a few cars back driving normally, and cop nabs ME and art, while the little red car speeds off into the distance (5 minutes later I learn hes in guilderland :crackup )