rednecks vs BMW somone gets pwnd

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Stupid work filters. :frowning:

OMG :lol:

Justice is served :tup:

oh god, my bro found this on hondatech yesterday

i mean he just told me the cliffs and i rode the lolercoaster

Cliffs anyone? I can’t wait the 1 1/2 hours until I get home. My head might just explode.

that was so fucking gay. i want my 6 minutes back. so very scripted.

ok ok ok

this dude in a BMW Z4 or whatever pisses off some canuck rednecks in a truck. the rednecks in the truck who are familiar with the area track him down (all of this is on camera) and finally corner him on a dead end dirt road. they get out with bats, and they have words - but the Z4 guy has a gun. he pulls the gun on them, takes their keys, leaves, and throws their keys in the sewer at the end of the road on the way out

why’d this all happen? not really sure… but it doesn’t actually seem scripted

Nice. :lol:

to bad it was fake.

oh man, that so ruled.

Only a “limp-dicked piece of shit” brings a gun to a 3 on 1 bat fight.

no one else thinks that was the most scripted, horrably acted pile of shit they have ever seen?


nope, they don’t

I do.
Who the fuck stands there when someone pulls a gun and why did the other guy keep taping.

“hey blondie, nice face, you get it caught on a fence?” hahahahaf.

what else would someone do? try to wrestle the gun away?

prob kept taping incase shit went down?

id ont know if its real or fake, and im not gonna watch it again to take my opinion, but it was pretty funny

I would get in the truck and do something called running.
Its this new thing Its called Jogging
I think the J might be silent


if i was the guy in the bmw i would have done the same… it seemed pretty unprovoked that the guys in the truck just started to follow him to cause some shit…

word…just cuz he didn’t signal when he pulled a u-turn. :gay: