Refinancing private student loans (Fixed or Variable)

well then you’re probably boned. at least you can deduct the interest.

Only up to $2500…

Start praying that the student loan refinance act goes through.

To who?

Yeah I already claimed my $2500 worth of interest. Meh oh well

Whoever your preferred deity or superhero may be. I like Jeebus and Spiderman.


and Jesus you guys must have a lot of loans to be paying over $2500 in interest alone. I’m lucky that I refi’d my student loans at 3.125 back in the ubrf days and at this point paid about $200 in interest last year.

2.625% I feel bad for the folks at 6% plus. That blows.

I paid $4k+ in interest alone last year. The cost of bettering yourself

I think my last annual interest was like $300 bucks for a 1.875% rate…that was a federal loan… As previously stated I used to have a 10 year variable rate loan that was 9% a few times… Paying that off was one of the best things I ever did.

On the PMI front try inquiring with your loan servicer…we just got rid of ours by making one lump payment…no new appraisal or anything like that. We just needed to hit 22% of the original loan to value. We had originally put down 10%. For a few thousand bucks we’ll be saving a few hundred a month…should have done it months ago.