Regarding PMs

I just spent the last 15 minutes waiting for a PM to go through. i don’t even know if it made it. Everything else internet-wise is working on my comp so i figure it might be something wrong here.

anyone else have that problem?

edit: WTF when i tried to submit this it says “you cannot make a post so soon after your last”

i didn’t even make a post!!! except to send that pm… and that was a few minutes ago.

wtf mate!?

A PM is like a post, except it gets posted in the receiver’s inbox.

The post will stay in your Outbox until the receiver reads it at which point
it will disappear from your outbox and into their inbox.

Gonad is right… I always wondered the same thing…

maybe this should be a sticky or something

Okay you know what’s weird, you know how it says Prive Messages [ 0 ] if you have no new ones, well when you visit the site and u get a PM it says [ 1 ], but if say you don’t see it and you jsut keep browsing when u come back it says [ 0 ] again even though you DO have an unread msg.

Does this happen to anyone else? It seems to only show the [ 1 ] the first time u visit the site since the PM arrived.

yeah, the PM counter doesn’t work well either… most of the time it shows [ 0 ] for me eventhough I might have new messages…

mine always stays at zero :frowning: