Relationship status (version 3)

When she was PREGGGGOOOOO?

condoms make you last too long. whiskeydick makes you last too long. the combination of the 2 means you’re in for the duration.

and in for crying after.

Need I even reply? lol.

no last time she was drunk was last year in october…

When i was younger I thought whiskey dick was like a boner that makes your dick hard…

Like viagra in sweat pants hard. So I would get all self conscious about it when i was drinking whiskey that night :frowning:

Now its a blessing to even get a boner when drunk, and hopefully not a pee boner

I guess single sex looks good on paper, because it’s a different new and exciting girl every time and you don’t have to have a relationship with her and blah blah.

But if you’re banging out the same girl(s) on a regular basis, it’s kind of a relationship sex situation.

So unless your standards are that low, or you’re THAT good looking that you can get a different girl 2 times a week, every week… shut it.

while on topic has anyone ever used a viagra??? does that make you go crazy long also?

edit: ILC we thought about the pill at the same time

I’m on alpha blocker medicine, I don’t want an unsafe drop in blood pressure, and pass out, and wake up with a roll of paper towels in my ass

lol but have you ever used it?

it didn’t really effect how long I lasted. Difference was, it didn’t go down after. It was pretty much smash, bust, repeat, smash, bust, repeat, until we got tired.


lol…really … kinda funny but my dad was trying to give them to me and im like i dont need it … but sounds likeit could be fun…

edit: newman just has game…dont get me wrong he is a good looking guy but its the game that wins

Well Newman, you’re a whole different topic. Bitches love you. I’m talking about an average Joe. (See what I did there? HA.)

eep. it makes relationships so hard!

but i’m doing well!

I’d say try it. Plus, you can do your best Pete North impression.

How clever. All you need is a stable of like 5 or so and rotate and it keeps things fresh.

You have a steady girlfriend right now? It’s so funny how trying to keep only one girl is a challenge for you. Most guys it’s the opposite.

Christian Newman Fan Club
president: justa4door
When: meetings on first saturday of the month at 8pm
Where: Gap kids in galleria

edit: Approved by Dawn, “official Christian Trevor Newman editor”

UM, It’s the Christian Trevor Newman Fan Club, get it right.


this is getting old, fat.